Back in 2014, Nando’s had a long-term vision to fuel the music industry both creatively and literally by giving back to the music community and feeding artists. Additionally, they wanted to raise awareness and create connections between the UK and their South African heritage - where the brand started and the famous Peri-Peri chilies
are grown.
As a result we created the Nando’s Music Exchange, a platform where artists from both UK and South Africa could exchange musical influences and cultures. The aim is to inspire and facilitate collaborations and give up-and-coming musicians unrivalled access to the best musical talent (who also happen to be Nando’s loyalists). For three years running, the Music Exchange has held a workshop that sees 20 young musicians from London and 5 from South Africa brought together for a production workshop day hosted by top artists such as Stormzy, Example, Little Simz and Toya Delazy. This is hosted at the London Roundhouse where Nando’s continue to sponsor part of their studio space.
Their aim is to work collaboratively to create an original track from scratch using sounds from both countries. The established artists field Q&A sesssions over lunch (Nando’s, of course!) and during the afternoon, they drop-in to each of the groups to give them hands-on-advice about their tracks, with final feedback at the end of the day.
To inspire and facilitate collaborations and give up-and-coming musicians unrivalled access to the best musical talent.